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Block Applicability Tool (BAT)

BAT takes input file(s), processes the Feature/Configuration tags using 1 or many views. The resulting file content is specific to the view(s) selected without any of the Feature/Configuration tags and irrelevant content.


BAT is available at
rules_osee can be used to simplify BAT usage for those using bazel. rules_osee is available at


  • -server: Osee server
  • -branch_id: Branch_id of branch that contains the Product Line Definition to be used
  • -document_location: Directory that contains the source to be processed.
    • -This directly must also contain the .fileApplicability which is used to identify which files/directories to skip processing (see details below)
  • -account_id: User’s OSEE account_id
  • -bat_file_id: Unique string generated after first curl command to identify osee location for processed files
  • -commentNonApplicableBlocks: Boolean to determine whether the non applicable source should be commented or removed altogether
  • -viewId: The artifact id of the Configuration or ConfigurationGroup to be used in processing the source
    • -curl -X GET ‘http://{server}/orcs/branch/{branch_id}/applic/views’
      • -returns the available views for the branch to be used in processing source
  • -output_zip_file: Name of zip file to be used in storing result

CLI options

  • -a/—applicability-config : This is a config file containing the features,substitutions, configurations, and configuration groups that the tool will be running for. See the documentation from running -h to see the shape of this file.
  • -o/—out-dir : Output directory for BAT processed results.
  • -s/—srcs : Source files to be processed by the BAT tool.
  • -b/—begin-comment-syntax This is an advanced feature to enable users to specify an alternate beginning syntax for applicability tags on existing languages, and to specify the syntax for non-supported file types. It is highly encouraged that to file an issue or PR on BAT to fix this if you have a use case that’s not supported.
  • -e/—end-comment-syntax This is an advanced feature to enable users to specify an alternate end syntax for applicability tags on existing languages, and to specify the syntax for non-supported file types. It is highly encouraged that to file an issue or PR on BAT to fix this if you have a use case that’s not supported.
  • -u/—use-direct-output If the output directory and input files are close together(i.e. like a git repo), this will make the file output more predictable. Also helpful for third party tool integrations like bazel.
  • -n/—no-write-config-folder Turns off BAT writing out a folder per configuration present in the configuration file. This option should only be used when running the tool for 1 configuration.
  • -v/—verbose Increase the tool output verbosity. Add this if issues occur. This can be added multiple times in a row (i.e. -vvv) to increase verbosity further.
  • -q/—quiet Decrease the tool output verbosity. Helpful for CI runs where I/O throughput is of high priority.
  • -h/—help Display help information regarding the tool
  • -V/—version Print version of the tool in use.


Using feature tagging similar to what it used in the source, specify which path(s),directory names and/or filenames that should be processed.
Example contents of .fileApplicability:
End Configuration
End Feature
How this reads:
- If the source is being processed for Product A, INCLUDE directories or files at any level (below this directory location) named "csvfiles".
- If the source is being processed for any view not called Product A, DO NOT INCLUDE any directory at any level(below this directory location) named "csvfiles".
- If the JHU_CONTROLLER is set to Included for the view being processed, include the file "CppTest_Exclude.cpp"
- If the JHU_CONTROLLER is set to Excluded for the view being processed, DO NOT include the file "CppTest_Exclude.cpp"
  • NOTE: Configuration names may not have spaces or special characters. Replace with underscores. E.g. Product A = Product_A

Legacy BAT Tool

One rest call to rule them all:

Will upload a zip, process it, and return a zip.

Will download a response that will be empty if the process has yet to finish, will provide zip file otherwise. If file is still running and you get an empty zip, wait a few minutes then run step 3 below.

Individual rest calls:

  1. Transfer zip file to the directory where OSEE can see it:

    • Generic: curl —location —request POST ‘http://{server}/orcs/branch/{branch_id}/applic/uploadBlockApplicability’ —data-binary ’@{document_location}’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/zip’ -H “ {account_id}”
    • Example: curl —location —request POST ‘http://localhost:8089/orcs/branch/8/applic/uploadBlockApplicability’ —data-binary ’@/c/tools/bat/’ -H ‘Content-Type: application/zip’ -H “ 3333”
    • Will return an id {bat_file_id}
  2. Run the BAT tool on the specified file when inputting the {bat_file_id} produced from the first command & will zip the file:

  1. Check to see if the file is processed yet, and if it is it will download.

  1. Delete all directories associated with the process. (Check your resulting zip for expected results first)