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Message Interface Modeler (MIM)

The purpose of the tool is to manage the software interfaces between subsystems for a Product Line. MIM models the messages moving across the network in detail, including their source, destination and composition. MIM allows users to mark data artifacts with an applicability which is the vessel by which Product Line is implemented.

The MIM tool can be used to export data in various formats. For example, an ICD can be exported in an Excel Workbook format, or the data can be exported into a zip of text files to be used in downstream tools. The Reports page will list available reports for your installation.

Where to Start?

  1. If you have never seen or used MIM before, check out this Example ICD for a look at how ICDs are displayed in MIM
  2. If you want to dive deeper into how the data is structured, take a look at the MIM Data Model
  3. When you’re ready to create an ICD, follow this guide that walks through the whole process
  4. For help with specific pages, take a look at our individual page documentation